About the Founder


Fischel had four daughters and no surviving sons. One daughter married a physician (Dr. Henry Rafsky), one married a lawyer (State Senator Albert Wald, Esq.), one married a banker (David Kass), and one married a rabbi (Rabbi Dr. Herbert S. Goldstein). Fischel openly stated that since he had no sons to bear his name, he had more of a motivation than most people to perpetuate his name by other means, in his case, the institutions named after him, in Israel and in America, and the Foundation.

Many of Fischel's descendants continue to serve the Jewish community with distinction, particularly on communal, religious, and Israel-oriented matters. So far, one grand-daughter, two great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandson took the initiative to make aliyah, producing dozens of Israeli great-great-grandchildren, and beyond, who contribute to Israeli society in a variety of ways, including several army officers.   

Fischel's influence was so powerful in Palestine that when he passed away, the British government interrupted Israel’s War of Independence by sending a special convoy to bring him and others to the Mount of Olives. There he was buried beneath the mausoleum that he had built in his lifetime.  The mausoleum was later desecrated and destroyed by the Jordanians, and then rebuilt by the Foundation after the Six-Day War of 1967.